Using Info Hash on Torrent Client

As of 2014, it has been confusing for me to download torrents because of magnet links. While I haven’t found out how it works, I used the info hash instead.


Use “Add URL” in your torrent client and add url. Type magnet:?xt=urn:btih:INFOHASH (replace INFOHASH with your info hash).

Check Table of Contents to Help You With Essays

Table of Contents showing the information within a chapter

Table of Contents

Before you hunt the Internet, first check your class book’s table of contents for information to support your essay. The essay that I’m doing right now is about Information System Management Issues. I will use the sub-headings to outline my essay, read a bit about it then rephrase to create a summary. When I searched the web, I can only find what IS management is about, but very difficult to find the problems and issues regarding it.

Feel free to share direct links about IS management issues in the comment section below to help our fellow students. Thanks!

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Graduating in 3 weeks

Hello everyone! I am graduating in 3 weeks. I can’t wait for school to be over! For 3 years of studying online, I never once liked it, but I also did not hate it. Every time I make my essays, I always get frustrated of where to find information, books are difficult to understand without the guidance of a live teacher and so I support my education using YouTube, Google, the books used in my class and lastly the school’s online library, which is of minimal help most of the time.

After graduation I will take time to collect all my essays and re-do them, simplify it and share it with everyone. I am surprised that I survived online school, I hope it made me a bit smarter from all the self-studying. You may contact me for any help and I’ll be of assistance when I get the chance. Good luck on your studies!

Best Cloud Storage and Back-up Tool: One Drive

I have been using One Drive for my school files. I know that some say it is not safe to put your school files on the cloud as for the risk of it being deleted as consequence of unpredictable error, but in my case, One Drive has been so useful to me.

One Drive keeps a folder in your computer and syncs everything that’s in it to the cloud. I put everything school-related in that dedicated folder. As of the moment (2014) One Drive gives free 7GB storage. I have mine at 100GB since I use Bing as my search engine and it rewards me with points every time I use it. One of the redeemable rewards was 100GB of storage for a year, so I grabbed it.

One drive has been working so well for me and it’s keeping my files accessible whatever computer or mobile device I use. I hope it’ll be useful for you too.

If you would like to try One Drive, I would appreciate it if you use my referral link:

If you want to earn points with Bing search engine, please do make an account using my referral link:

Thank you very much!

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Add a manual line to Microsoft Word as horizontal divider

For my current class’ essay, I have been required to make an executive summary instead of an abstract. And executive summary is basically a whole page (or two, depends on your instructor) that summarizes your whole report/essay. The purpose of this is for “executives” or readers who do not have time to read the whole report, and so the executive summary would give them the whole idea of what your essay is about. So it’s writing your whole essay again, but in summary, not as conclusion, but in a straightforward detailed summary (no abbreviations, all typed out). It’s “why do I have to read the whole essay when there is one page summary that says it all” kind of paper. So in my school, an executive summary format has to have “Executive Summary” as header, and yes, italic, and there’s a horizontal line below it, the thinnest kind. And I had a hard time editing that line, because I was typing it wrong, it would come out thick.   So I used 3 hyphens and pressed enter. It gave me a thin line. Here’s a guide:

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Vintage Vectors for free

I found vintage vectors for free.

There should be more sites like this. A donation is reasonable than having to pay for it per use.

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OneDrive / SkyDrive to back-up your smartphone camera roll

I currently use OneDrive (previously SkyDrive) to back-up my photos in my iPhone. It’s automatic, however it does pause for a certain time when you leave the app running in the background.

I find this very useful because you don’t have to re-download your pictures by the time you want to transfer them into a physical external hard drive. OneDrive has a dedicated folder in your computer that syncs time to time. The pictures the OneDrive has backed up is synced from the cloud to your computer as well. So just find the OneDrive folder in your computer, go to the folder where your pictures are, and start copying them into your external hard drive.

Good luck!

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The Right To Free Knowledge

People are either talented, hard working or both. I have no talent, but I am hard working. Without talent, it is more difficult because it takes a lot of effort to think of new ideas, but it is easier to follow on what is already out there. I am like that, I cannot make new inventions nor make eye-catching web designs, what I can do is follow what is already made, and study how it was made.

I love tutorials. I learn more by watching videos than reading books.
With technology, you need to have hands-on experience, or at least a teaching material that is visual, animated, moving.

If I can reach the level of expertise of a specific specialty, I would gladly share this knowledge to everyone. A lot of people would be thankful that way. Imagine a one-stop all-in-one place where you can learn everything, be it web design, programming or whatever – for free! “Decoding” what is popular and giving the people the chance to achieve the skill behind such creative popularity.

I still appreciate those tutorial videos that are for sale, as long as what I’m paying is equivalent to the knowledge quality and content. However what is really annoying are those tutorial videos that are over priced and still leave me feeling less of a beginner – a total waste of money.

Hopefully, years after I graduate, I will be back with knowledge and experience to share to all of you. Because we all have the right to free knowledge.

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Popular Fonts Used For Websites

I have always been struggling with design. I am not good with designing. I am more of a follower. Show me what ia good looking and I’ll do the code for you.

Here’s good information about the fonts that are commonly used in websites.

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Web Design: 20 Hottest Trends To Watch Out For In 2013

Web Design: 20 Hottest Trends To Watch Out For In 2013

I’ve been wanting to know the official terms of current website designs. Here’s a good information about it!

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