Monthly Archives: July 2013

A BIG THANKS to Math Help Forum


The people from Math Help Forum has helped me a LOT in dealing with my assignments. They explain better than my teacher too! Just show them that you are willing to learn, by solving your assignments first before posting it to the forum, then you will receive replies that can actually save your grades! And no, they won’t do your whole homework for you, but they will help you do it and that is how it should be.

We all know that taking Math Class Online is a nightmare. Imagine self studying math, your textbook does not talk to you, does not explain in simple English and your teacher just throws your textbook chapters for you to read, discussion questions for you to answer and assignments for your to complete – but without any live discussion or support (unless you dig that out from your instructor when I persisted because he just gave me the option of learning more from YouTube instead of him teaching me, I’d rather pay YouTube to teach me than the university instead if that’s the case!)

Whether you are taking Math on campus or online, either way, Math Help Forum can really help you out. So go over there and support these guys!

Go to Math Help Forum now, register for free!

(If the link directs you to another page, just close the browser and click on the link again, it does that sometimes, I think it’s their pop-up ad.)

Boolean Algebra: Truth Table DNF to CNF

This is the best tutorial I could find.

Note: column f values are just random 0’s and 1’s. It does not come from x or y.

The author has another video for DNF, check it out in my previous posts.

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From Truth Table to DNF

This is the best tutorial I could find.

Note: column f values are just random 0’s and 1’s. It does not come from x or y.

The author has another video for CNF, I will post it shortly.

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Very helpful Math Forums

These forums are great! People really help, as long as you show them that you try to understand your math problem before posting it. They will not answer your homework for you, but they will somehow do a “tutor” kind of approach.

Khan Academy has useful videos and explanations that can supplement your understanding towards Discrete Math. It does not have everything about Discrete Math but there are simpler lessons that will help you understand the basics.

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Discrete Math Notations/Symbols

Here are some Discrete Math notation/symbols.

Discrete Math Notation Page 1 Discrete Math Notation Page 2

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This blog is supposedly dedicated for students who are struggling with online schools (yes they just suck). Unfortunately, ITStudentBlogger is also having a difficult time catching up with online school. It will take months for me to post helpful content but I will be back!

With online school nowadays, you don’t learn from your faceless teachers anymore, but you learn from Google and YouTube, sadly. Unless I start posting helpful stuff which I intend to, then you will be learning from this blog very soon.

God bless! Study hard and wisely!
