Monthly Archives: August 2014

Check Table of Contents to Help You With Essays

Table of Contents showing the information within a chapter

Table of Contents

Before you hunt the Internet, first check your class book’s table of contents for information to support your essay. The essay that I’m doing right now is about Information System Management Issues. I will use the sub-headings to outline my essay, read a bit about it then rephrase to create a summary. When I searched the web, I can only find what IS management is about, but very difficult to find the problems and issues regarding it.

Feel free to share direct links about IS management issues in the comment section below to help our fellow students. Thanks!

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Graduating in 3 weeks

Hello everyone! I am graduating in 3 weeks. I can’t wait for school to be over! For 3 years of studying online, I never once liked it, but I also did not hate it. Every time I make my essays, I always get frustrated of where to find information, books are difficult to understand without the guidance of a live teacher and so I support my education using YouTube, Google, the books used in my class and lastly the school’s online library, which is of minimal help most of the time.

After graduation I will take time to collect all my essays and re-do them, simplify it and share it with everyone. I am surprised that I survived online school, I hope it made me a bit smarter from all the self-studying. You may contact me for any help and I’ll be of assistance when I get the chance. Good luck on your studies!