Tag Archives: knowledge

The Right To Free Knowledge

People are either talented, hard working or both. I have no talent, but I am hard working. Without talent, it is more difficult because it takes a lot of effort to think of new ideas, but it is easier to follow on what is already out there. I am like that, I cannot make new inventions nor make eye-catching web designs, what I can do is follow what is already made, and study how it was made.

I love tutorials. I learn more by watching videos than reading books.
With technology, you need to have hands-on experience, or at least a teaching material that is visual, animated, moving.

If I can reach the level of expertise of a specific specialty, I would gladly share this knowledge to everyone. A lot of people would be thankful that way. Imagine a one-stop all-in-one place where you can learn everything, be it web design, programming or whatever – for free! “Decoding” what is popular and giving the people the chance to achieve the skill behind such creative popularity.

I still appreciate those tutorial videos that are for sale, as long as what I’m paying is equivalent to the knowledge quality and content. However what is really annoying are those tutorial videos that are over priced and still leave me feeling less of a beginner – a total waste of money.

Hopefully, years after I graduate, I will be back with knowledge and experience to share to all of you. Because we all have the right to free knowledge.

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